Please use the table of headline subjects below to access our information library on the Standard Transfer Specification. There are many pages and if you find information that that is incorrect or outdated please advise the Secretariat. Some pages are visible to members only.
What is STS?
What is a token?
What is a Vending Key?
What is a vending system?
What is a KMC?
What is a SGC?
How do I become a Member of the STSA?
What are the membership types?
How long is my membership valid for?
How much does it cost to become a member?
What is self certification?
When can I self certify?
How much is certification?
How long does certification take?
Who can I send my systems to for certification?
How often must I certify my product?
Why should I certify my product?
Who can I talk to for technical support?
Where can I purchase the IEC specifications?
What is a companion specification?
Which edition of a specification must I use?
What services does the STS Association offer?
What are the benefits of being a member of the STS Association?
Where can I get a Supply Group Code?
How do I get a vending key?
What is a 4 digit manufacturer code?
What is a meter number?
How do I know if the payment meter or vending system I want to purchase is STS compliant?
Where can I see if a manufacturer has STS compliant meters or vending systems?
What is a security module?
How do I order a security module?
Where can I get help on designing an STS compliant meter or vending system?
What is a keychange?
What is a TID?
What is TID Rollover?
What is a KEN (Key Expiry Number?
What is a KRN (Key Revision Number)?
What is a Keyload File (KLF)?
What is a manufacturer code and how do I get one?
What are encryption tables?
What are EA and DKGA?
How many countries use STS?
What is the installed base of STS meters?
What is interoperability?
What is an open standard?
What must I do to design an STS meter or vending system?
What utility types does the STS support?
Does a utility have to be a member of the STS Association?
When can my product display the STS logo?
Does the STS Association do type testing?
Will a payment meter from another manufacturer work with my vending system?
Where can I get a list of STS compliant payment meters or vending systems?
Where can I get a list of STS members?
Has the STS system ever been compromised?