Non-Voting Members - for manufacturers of metering and vending equipment.
- Joining fee of USD 2370 and an Annual Fee of USD 2370
- Have access to STS test facilities for product certifications.
- Have the right to brand certified products with the STS trade mark.
- Have the right to advertise their certified products as "STS Certified"
- Have access to the services of the STS Key Management Centre
- Are listed on the STS website as suppliers of STS Compliant equipment
- Receive a certificate of membership that can be used in tender documents
- Receive regular notices and alerts regarding updates to the standards
- May vote on updates and enhancements to the standard
- May participate in STS technical work-groups
Voting Members - for participating in the governance of the Association.
- Joining fee of USD 2370 and an Annual Fee of USD 2860
- Get all the benefits of being a non-voting member.
- Are entitled to vote at general meetings of members.
- May stand for election to the board of directors.